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The Minority and Women-Owned Small Business Association (MWSBA) office serves as a liaison to provide outreach, business development and technical assistance so minority and women-owned small businesses can learn about and successfully compete for contracting opportunities with the Charleston County Aviation Authority.


  • To ensure that small, minority– and women-owned businesses get a fair and equitable chance to participate in business opportunities with the Charleston County Aviation Authority business opportunities.
  • Create opportunities for firms to develop increased capacity and compete successfully in the marketplace outside of the MWSB Program.
  • Ensure that the MWSB Program is tailored according to applicable law.

The MWSB office provides the following services:

  • Outreach to MWSBs and community organizations.
  • Information and assistance in preparing bids and obtaining bonding and insurance.
  • Training for MWSB firms.
  • Education on contracting procedures and opportunities
  • Helping MWSBs overcome barriers in the procurement process, such as inability to obtain financing or technical assistance.
  • Listing of certified Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBEs).

To be listed as a registered vendor, view opportunities and receive notices of work available, please visit our Diversity Compliance system:

For more information about the Aviation Authority’s MWSB Program, call 843.767.7000 or send an email to