In 2024, it’s estimated among women in the U.S., there will be [179]:
• 310,720 new cases of invasive breast cancer (This includes new cases of primary breast cancer, but not breast cancer recurrences.)
• 56,500 new cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a non-invasive breast cancer
• 42,250 breast cancer deaths
In 2024, it’s estimated among men in the U.S., there will be [179]:
• 2,790 new cases of invasive breast cancer (This includes new cases of primary breast cancers, but not breast cancer recurrences.)
• 530 breast cancer deaths
Rates of breast cancer incidence (new cases) and mortality (death) are much lower among men than among women [187-188].
Incidence rates in 2021 (most recent data available) and mortality rates in 2022 (most recent data available) were [187-188]:
*Source: Susan G. Komen Foundation