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Nonstop Service to Los Angeles (LAX) returns to CHS

NORTH CHARLESTON, SC— Today, Breeze Airways announced the return of nonstop service between Charleston International Airport (CHS) and Los Angeles, California (LAX). The twice weekly (Friday and Monday) summer seasonal flights begin May 3, 2024.

“We are excited to once again expand access for passengers traveling to and from California," said Elliott Summey, CEO of Charleston International Airport. Service to Los Angeles from Charleston International Airport continues to be a key strategic objective for Team CHS that will allow both business and leisure travelers convenient access to and from one of the most important airport gateways to the world.”

“We’re thrilled to bring back nonstop service between Los Angeles and Charleston this summer,” said Breeze Airways’ President Tom Doxey. “LA and

Charleston are two of the most popular cities in the country for visitors and traveling between them is twice as nice when it’s a nonstop flight.”